Learning to support and heal the betrayed partner after infidelity is one of the keys to saving your marriage.
In this post infidelity expert Todd Creager explains how based on his 90% success rate helping thousands of couples heal after infidelity.
Have you ever wondered why victims of infidelity often blame themselves?
As a relationship expert who’s helped thousands of couples heal from infidelity, Todd’s seen this pattern time and time again.
Today, he’s sharing some crucial insights on supporting and healing the betrayed partner.
In his new program, “Healing Infidelity From the Inside Out,” he dives deep into this topic because learning how to support and heal the betrayed partner is essential to saving your relationship.
Here’s why you should watch the full video:
• Understand why blaming yourself as the betrayed partner is common but incorrect: I’ll explain the psychological reasons behind self-blame and how to overcome it.
You’ll learn that your partner’s infidelity is never because you’re “not enough.”
• Discover the importance of addressing childhood wounds: Todd shows you how past experiences can be triggered by infidelity and how to heal both adult and younger parts of yourself.
• Learn practical strategies for building a support system: Todd gives you tips on overcoming embarrassment and finding the right people to confide in during this difficult time.
• Get insights on how the betrayer can support healing: Todd shares specific ways the unfaithful partner can contribute to the healing process, including the importance of emotional regulation and personal growth.
• Understand the long-term benefits of doing the work: Whether you stay in the relationship or not, Todd explains how healing from infidelity can lead to personal growth and healthier future relationships.
As we explore these topics, Todd wants you to know that healing is possible.
He’s seen couples transform their relationships after infidelity, often becoming stronger than ever before. It’s what he calls “post-traumatic growth.”
In the video, Todd shares real-life examples and practical exercises from my program. He talks about the importance of attuning to your partner’s needs, processing trauma, and developing better communication skills.
These are all crucial steps in the healing journey.
Remember, both partners need to be committed to growth and healing for the relationship to thrive after infidelity. But even if you end up parting ways, the personal work you do will benefit you immensely in future relationships.
Todd knows this is a painful and challenging time. That’s why he’s created this video series and my comprehensive program. He wants to give you the tools and support you need to heal, grow, and create the relationship you truly desire.
Don’t let shame or embarrassment hold you back from seeking help. Watch the video below to start your healing journey today.
And if you’re ready to dive deeper, check out my free guide to “Healing Infidelity From the Inside Out.” It’s packed with proven strategies Todd has used to help thousands of couples successfully navigate this difficult terrain.
Remember, you’re not alone in this. With the right support and tools, you can heal from infidelity and create a more fulfilling relationship – whether with your current partner or in the future.
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