Relationship Mastery


Relationship mastery is for singles and couples who want a relationship that will work for a lifetime. You’ll learn the skills of awareness, and how to communicate, and how to put them into ACTION.

Perfect if you want to deepen your significant relationships, or want help understanding relationship failures so you can find the right partner.

My fiance and I have had a wonderful experience with Todd. He not only has improved our communication but he has helped us understand one another and appreciate our differences.

We make progress every time we meet with him. We have learned to depersonalize our challenges and slow down to appreciate what one another is trying to communicate. Our love and respect for one another has grown deeper. We have made our foundation solid for a fantastic future. Thank you Todd!!!

Annette Castillo

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Relationship Mastery will increase your own self-awareness and help to build a healthy and strong connection with yourself and your significant other.

Get Started Today For $97

You can make a one-time payment of $397 for the entire program or you can choose to make monthly payments of $97 per month for 5 months.

Relationship Mastery begins Tuesday, April 3rd from 10 AM PST -11:30 AM PST. There will be 12 live training sessions with me over the course of 3 months as well as group coaching. Can’t make it live? The course will be recorded and you’ll have unlimited access.

Relationship Mastery Program Details

Module 1

Blocks to Love and How to Remove Them

Module 2

Can’t Love Others Until You Love You

Module 3

What do You Really Want?

Module 4

Bringing the Best Out of Others

Module 5

Communication-Intermediate & Advanced

Module 6

Good Sex

My wife and I had experienced issues for years, out of our 20 year relationship, when we contacted Todd Creager for help. Todd is the best thing that we did for our relationship….bar none.

Todd is pragmatic, kind, intuitive and got to the heart of our issue fast. Then he constructed sensitive actions for us to slowly take. His stories, metaphors, ease of communication, clarity and examples all helped expedite our healing. We are a happier and healthier couple after Todd’s fast turnaround methodology.

Norman Leiberman

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Get Started Today For $97

You can make a one-time payment of $397 for the entire program or you can choose to make monthly payments of $97 per month for 5 months.

Relationship Mastery begins Tuesday, April 3rd from 10 AM PST -11:30 AM PST. There will be 12 live training sessions with me over the course of 3 months as well as group coaching. Can’t make it live? The course will be recorded and you’ll have unlimited access.

Todd Creager is an Experienced Relationship Therapist & Coach

He specializes in marriage, sex and couples counseling. From increasing intimacy, to a 90% success rate helping couples overcome infidelity, Todd has helped countless couples beat the issues that they face and as a result
develop a deeper more satisfying relationship with their partner.

Author of the Long Hot Marriage, and Love, Sex and Karaoke:
52 Ways to Ignite your Love Life, Todd spends much of his time helping long-term partners create passionate & thriving relationships.

He provides unique and powerful insights that lead to breakthroughs which result in his clients getting closer to each other and getting the love they want.

Get Started Today For $97

You can make a one-time payment of $397 for the entire program or you can choose to make monthly payments of $97 per month for 5 months.

Relationship Mastery begins Tuesday, April 3rd from 10 AM PST -11:30 AM PST. There will be 12 live training sessions with me over the course of 3 months as well as group coaching. Can’t make it live? The course will be recorded and you’ll have unlimited access.


16052 Beach Blvd. Suite 214,
Huntington Beach, CA 92647

Copyright 2023. All Right Reserved, Todd Creager