The 7 Keys to a Phenomenal Relationship

Todd Creager is an Expert Sex, Passion & Intimacy Therapist in Orange County.


Are you Struggling with Infidelity?

Watch this short video and learn why I have a 90% success rate helping couples survive infidelity

Here are some startling statistics on infidelity according to the Associated Press and the Journal of Marriage and Family Therapy:

  • Over 50% of Men and Women have admitted to committing infidelity in a relationship
  • 74% of men and 68% of women say they would have an affair if they knew they wouldn’t get caught.
  • 22% of Men and 14% of Women have strayed at least once during their married lives.

While these figures may sound alarming, I am here to say that there are several things you can do to prevent and survive infidelity.

When Partners Cheat – what is really going on?

Partners cheat for a variety of reasons in a relationship. An important thing I do is to help people do is decipher the message of the affair. Once we understand the message, we can look at possible solutions that make sense to help the couple heal and rebuild their relationship.

I find that it is important understand that infidelity is most often a symptom of other problems in a relationship When you are distraught it is easy to confuse the symptom with the core problem. Read more about this here.

Emotional cheating hurts Women more than Men and it is another way couples cheat on each other.  There are a variety ways that partners cheat on each other and it doesn’t always involve just sex.  In this article I address Facebook and Infidelity and in this article I address whether watching porn is considered infidelity.

And yes, financial infidelity can also doom your relationship and I see that it is growing problem for many of my clients these days.

Did you know that women cheat for different reasons than men?  Watch the video below where I explain the 3 reasons why women cheat.

How to Prevent Infidelity

While there is no sure fire way to prevent infidelity happening in your relationship, there are things that you can do to minimize the chances of it happening to you. Here is the number one way you can prevent infidelity and here are 3 more ways you can lower the chances of infidelity happening in your relationship. If you are beginning a new relationship I suggest paying close attention to his past and don’t just listen to his words, listen to his actions.

I’ve Got Kids What do I Say to Them?

This is a really touchy subject. When I recently wrote an article right here about what I believe is best policy regarding telling your children about an affair, the topic caused a lot of comments and was a trending topic amongst many people on social media. So now I know that people feel passionately about what is the right thing to say and do. You can find out my stand on what you should tell them and that opinion changes based up on the situation and the age of the children affected.

The smarted suggestion I have on this subject is to get help before you decide how to proceed.

How to Survive Infidelity

In my practice I have seen couples heal successfully from infidelity and go on to have a better relationship. The most important place to begin healing is to understand the meaning of the affair, then you can begin to heal from it.

Are you asking should I Stay or Should I go?  Read my thoughts on this subject right here.

infidelity checklist

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10 Steps to Healing from Infidelity

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More Articles on Infidelity:

Watch an interview with Julie Orlov on her show “Pathways to Love ” where talked about “The Aftermath of Affairs: How to Heal as a Couple”. This is an informative talk on healing from an affair and has also a wealth of information on how to have a healthy intimate relationship. It is worth your time to watch and listen. Here is the link:

There is Hope & There is Help to Survive Infidelity

People are surprised when they hear that I have an 90% success rate in helping couples survive infidelity and even thrive in their relationships after infidelity.

I’m here to help, you can contact me directly at 714-848-2288 Office or contact me here:


16052 Beach Blvd. Suite 214,
Huntington Beach, CA 92647

Copyright 2023. All Right Reserved, Todd Creager