You can also use this practice to develop other beneficial habits and feelings, such as a positive mood and outlook, self-discipline, healthy sleep patterns and even increased pain tolerance.
Here’s other benefits of a regular meditation practice:
Stress reduction is one of the most common reasons people try meditation.
One study including over 3,500 adults showed that meditation is effective in reducing stress levels
When you reduce your stress, it translates to less anxiety.
An eight-week study of mindfulness meditation helped participants reduce their anxiety.
And meditation reduced symptoms of anxiety disorders, such as phobias, social anxiety, paranoid thoughts, obsessive-compulsive behaviors and panic attacks.
Promotes Your Emotional Health
Meditation can also help improve your self-image and give you a more positive outlook on life.
Two studies of mindfulness meditation found decreased depression in over 4,600 adults -.
One study followed 18 volunteers as they practiced meditation over three years. The study found that participants experienced long-term decreases in depression/