How to deal with your emotions after discovering your spouse’s pornography use
Are you reeling and trying to copy with a mixed bag of feelings and emotions after discovering your spouse’s pornography use? In this video, relationship
Orange County Marriage Therapy
Todd Creager is an Expert Sex, Passion & Intimacy Therapist in Orange County.
With his 90% success rate helping couples heal and improve their relationships after infidelity, Todd Creager has you covered.
Get the guides, tips and help you need to successfully heal yourself and save your relationship .
Get beyond the anger, blame, should we divorce stage and back into a happy, thriving relationship with the Infidelity Cure!
The Infidelity Cure clearly explains everything you’re going through and gives you a better insight into your partner’s state of mind so you can begin to heal.
This six-part video series and workbook created by Todd Creager from his 35+ years working with couples in his practice is designed to help you the hurt partner and your unfaithful partner begin to understand feelings, actions and your reactions to each other.
The Little Black Book on Infidelity gives you the help you need in overcoming and healing from crisis. You’ll be able to rationally look at your relationship and evaluate it. Even if you find that what your partner/spouse did is unforgivable, you still will eventually have to move forward and start feeling better.
This eBook will help you heal and move on no matter what path you choose in a healthy way you can live with.
The good news is that there is hope and help to get yourself and your relationship back on track.
In this guide, Todd Creager shares the same 10 steps to start healing your relationship from infidelity that he uses to help his private clients.
…so that you can finally go from hurting to happy.
When you download and start using Todd Creage’s guide to High Impact Partnering you will learn the effective ways that YOU can change YOUR relationship.
Get the tips to overcome your fears and tap into your partner on a deeper level.
Sex and Relationship expert created this guide based on 35+ years of experience working with thousands of couple who were able rekindle the passion in their relationships!
Take the divorce proof your marriage quiz you’ll find out how hot your marriage is.
When you take the quiz, relationship expert Todd Creager will give you his best tips on how to keep your marriage passionate and divorce proof no matter how long you’ve been married!
All it takes is 10 Minutes with Todd’s Self Care Meditation and you can start feeling better right away!
You can also use this practice to develop other beneficial habits and feelings, such as a positive mood and outlook, self-discipline, healthy sleep patterns and even increased pain tolerance.
Are you reeling and trying to copy with a mixed bag of feelings and emotions after discovering your spouse’s pornography use? In this video, relationship
Are you concerned that your partner is consuming pornography and wondering…does porn lead to infidelity? In my previous article, I shared how pornography destroys intimate