The Ain’t Got No Passion Blues
Is your relationship suffering from the ain’t got no passion blues? Every year in August I have a tradition where I mark my anniversary which
Orange County Marriage Therapy
Todd Creager is an Expert Sex, Passion & Intimacy Therapist in Orange County.
On this page you’ll find Todd’s expert resources, tips and guides so that you and your partner can have a long hot marriage (or relationship)!
The Inner Workings of Marriages Revealed…
This program is based upon Todd’s 35+ years of work with thousands of couples in his practice.
Full of wise, practical principles, interwoven with stories of real couples applicable for all stages of relationships, whether you are married or interested in being married.
Emotionally liberate yourself from being a victim of abuse and/or gaslighting
Find out how you got yourself into this mess and how can you return to yourself.
Each of the 5 modules will go deep into toxic relationships so that you have more awareness, choice, and guidance on how to deal with a toxic relationship.
Stuck in a cycle of giving too much and receiving too little?
Learn to love yourself so that you increase your self-confidence, happiness, and experience your ideal relationship now or in the future.
Get the tools to help you experience more self-love and self-acceptance so that you can finally shed those feelings of unworthiness and self-doubt that are currently sabotaging you.
Here’s the good news, when you free your mind from negative beliefs that are blocking you from love…you will be able to find your soul mate.
With this guide created by relationship expert Todd Creager you will have the tools to liberate yourself from the beliefs that are keeping you from attracting the love you truly want.
When you become the happy and secure person you are meant to be, love will find you.
In this audio, Todd shows you how to fall back in love. You will learn how to have more conscious perceptions of yourself and your partner as well as what behavior it takes that could lead you to have a sexy marriage.
Have a great relationship and a sizzling sex life… Being able to communicate both verbally and non verbally is one of the most important skills a couple needs to develop in their relationship.
Sign up for relationship & marriage expert Todd Creager’s guide and get the passion back.
When you download and start using Todd Creage’s guide to High Impact Partnering you will learn the effective ways that YOU can change YOUR relationship.
The Conflict to Peace guide gives you the 10 simple steps that will help you to be able to tell the truth AND have a positive relationship.
When you use these steps you will find that your conversations will shift and those conflicts you’ve been experiencing will go away.
Here’s help so that you can stop the cycle of falling in love with the wrong person!
Relationship expert Todd Creager has created a FREE 40 Minute
Workshop where he shows you how to become the person you need to be so that you can attract your soul mate.
Get the tips to overcome your fears and tap into your partner on a deeper level.
Sex and Relationship expert created this guide based on 35+ years of experience working with thousands of couple who were able rekindle the passion in their relationships!
Todd Creager has created the Man’s Guide to Making Her Want You so that you will know exactly how to
bring out the desire of your partner so that you both can experience a passionate relationship.
When you listen to Todd explain them on this audio, you will understand exactly what your partner needs as well as what you need from your partner.
Knowing and using your partner’s love languages will help you both to nourish each other so that you can exponentially improve your relationship.
Take the divorce proof your marriage quiz you’ll find out how hot your marriage is.
When you take the quiz, relationship expert Todd Creager will give you his best tips on how to keep your marriage passionate and divorce proof no matter how long you’ve been married!
You might be thinking…No and just how do make that happen?
The answer is that this won’t happen by accident, you have to understand how to create what you want.
Get the guide and start using the 7 tips that Todd shares so that you can start living the life YOU want.
Let Todd Creager show how a few simple changes can help you find and KEEP that special person you’ve been looking for.
With this simple checklist you will know you how to attract and keep the partner you’ve been looking for.
When you have the right skills you will be able enhance communication both verbally and non verbally.
Relationship expert Todd Creager has created this powerful guide and audio that will help you communicate better and experience more passion and fire in your relationship.
The good news is that you can have great sex at any age!
Sex and Relationship expert has coached thousands of couples through this same issue and he’s put everything he tells them to do into this handy guide for you.
The truth is that you have to start by creating that love you’re seeking inside of you in order to receive love from others.
With this free guided mediation you will see how amazing you already are so that you can remove internal blocks and allow true love into your life.
Is your relationship suffering from the ain’t got no passion blues? Every year in August I have a tradition where I mark my anniversary which
In this video, I am talking about a very important topic…how to rekindle and re-stimulate your marriage. Watch the video and find out what the
We are here to reach our potential. This is something of which I am absolutely convinced. The longer I live, the more I see that