In this video, Todd shares a success story where he used EMDR to heal childhood attachment wounds.
EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy.
Todd has used EMDR successfully in his practice to help patients heal from trauma…And he’s discovered how effective it is in couples and with singles therapy as well.
As a result of using EMDR to heal those wounds, this woman was able to create boundaries, become more confident and self loving.
She is blossoming personally and has a healthier view of what type of a relationship she wants and needs. She now understands and has the keys to having the love she wants.
Watch the video below and discover:
→ What EMDR and how Todd uses it to help his patients process memories and heal themselves.
→ What attachment wounds are and how they can affect our development and our ability to have healthy relationships with ourselves and others.
→ How Todd used EMDR to help a woman heal her attachment wounds and what positive changes happened as a result of their work together.
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