Are you wondering how your spouse really feels after cheating on you? Many other betrayed spouses and partners are searching for the answers to this question.
In this video, relationship coach and infidelity expert Todd Creager shares how a non-sociopathic cheater feels before and after cheating on you.
Here’s what Todd covers in this video:
1. Why he focuses on partners who are non-sociopathic cheaters.
2. Why people cheat on their spouses/partners.
3. What they are experiencing pre and post-discovery of their infidelity.
Listen in and find out what they are really thinking and feeling…plus Todd will share stories from working with thousands of couples helping them survive and thrive after infidelity with a 90% success rate.
Start Feeling Better Today!
Get the same 10 steps to start healing your relationship from infidelity that Todd uses to help his private clients go from hurting to happy.

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