In this video therapist and infidelity expert Todd Creager shares how meditation helps you heal from infidelity.
Infidelity is one of the biggest issues that couples seek out Todd’s expertise, he’s helped thousands of couples heal from infidelity for the past 35+ years with a 90% success rate.
Listen in and find out why Todd recommends meditation to his clients as a healing modality and how meditation helps you heal from infidelity.
Watch the video where he shares:
❇️ 3 ways it helps you deal with the challenges of infidelity
❇️ How meditation can give you a sense of peace during times of stress and crisis
❇️ How meditation can help you manage your feelings so that you can heal from infidelity.
Learn more about Todd’s signature meditation program – Meditation for Couples.
This program is for couples and individuals who want to LEARN and MASTER MEDITATION so that you can access the deeper parts of you that are capable of self-healing, giving and receiving more love.

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