In this video, Todd Creager talks about how meditation helps you be more self-accepting and a better partner.
This subject is a central theme inside Todd’s Meditation for Couples program.
Todd shares how learning to become more self-accepting helps you tap into this unconditionally loving part of you, it frees you from the false story of inadequacy.
It also makes it so much easier to stay present and tuned in to your partner.
Todd answers these questions:
❇️ Why is it that emotionally charged conversations are a natural part of being in a relationship with another human being?
❇️ Why do we get so defensive when our partner (or anyone else for that matter) gives us negative feedback or complaints?
❇️ What is Radical Self-Acceptance and how does meditation help us access this?
❇️ Todd shares a story about how being able to practice radical self acceptance has impacted a person and their relationship.
Meditation can benefit not only your well-being but your relationships as well
Get the 7 Mind-blowing Effects of Meditation guide and see how it can help you!

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