In this video, relationship expert and therapist Todd Creager continues his discussion from his podcast episode #104 where he talks about Meditation, the benefits and how it gives you the freedom to drop your agenda and to be able to listen from a deeper place. And if you haven’t listened in to that episode, you can find the link below.
In this video, we’re going to talk about Opening Your Heart to More Love which is great because when we recorded this episode in August, Todd celebrated his 38th wedding anniversary.
Todd has lots to share in this episode not only about working with the couples in his practice but also from his own relationship.
Listen in and discover:
❇️ What typically are the biggest blocks that prevent people to having the love they want.
❇️ How does meditation help people get over their fears, blocks so they can access the inner part of them that is already capable of giving and receiving love.
❇️ Todd explains the health benefits of reducing inflammation and increasing Oxytocin for people who are listening in and are wondering why and how meditation can help with that AND get more love.
Todd also shares stories and examples about how meditation has increased the capacity to receive loving energy and how it has helped others to start seeing their partner as a source of love and pleasure.
HELPFUL LINKS:Listen in to Todd’s Podcast Episode #104: Meditation and Radical Self Acceptance right here:
Meditation Can Benefit Your Well-being and Your Relationship
Download the 7 Mind-blowing Effects of Meditation guide

Learn More About How Todd's Meditation For Couples Program Can Help You Have The Love and Relationship You Want

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