Are you concerned that your partner is consuming pornography and wondering…does porn lead to infidelity?
In my previous article, I shared how pornography destroys intimate relationships… specifically, when and how it can be okay or not okay to consume pornography.
In this video, I continue an inside look at pornography and intimate relationship.
I’ll answer this commonly asked question is pornography use a gateway to infidelity? Here’s a sneak peek at what I cover:
Are there situations where porn is okay?
When is porn a problem and how does it affect relationships?
When and how can porn lead to infidelity?
Watch the video below to see my answers and discover the most damaging way that pornography affects relationships.
Are You Reeling After Finding Out That Your Partner Has Been Unfaithful to You?
The good news is that you CAN heal yourself and your relationship after it has been affected by infidelity.
Todd Creager has created this guide based on his 90% success rate working with thousands of couples go from hurting to happy.

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