Practice being the opposite of yourself


Do you typically initiate with others or respond to others?

Do you tend to take care of others and ignore yourself or do you focus more on yourself and you do not typically tune in to others?

Do you typically talk a lot about yourself to others or are you usually private and keep most things to yourself?

As you ask yourself these questions, you may find that some you can easily answer and some you may have to think about for a while. Those that you can easily answer are usually easy to answer because you obviously lean one way or the other.

I want you to practice doing the opposite trait or behavior this weekend.

Here are a few things you may want to try:  

  • If you clearly always initiate with others, you may want to sit back and allow others to make a decision. If they are used to you initiating, you may need to explicitly ask them to initiate and that you will do your best to follow..

  • If you tend to respond to others, then stick your neck out and initiate some behavior, date or activity.

  • If you tend to take care of others, ask yourself what you can do to take care of you this weekend and make some space for you.

  • If you tend to be somewhat self-absorbed, then ask your partner or other people around you what they may need from you.

  • If you typically talk a lot about yourself, go to a social event and ask a lot of questions of others.

  • If you tend to be somewhat private, then stick your neck out and share a little bit more about yourself so that others may know more about you.

Feel free to explore other pairs of opposites that describe people and see where you fit. And then try out the opposite. You are not just your dominant self; you’re also your recessive self.

Experiment and expand your thinking, behavioral and speaking repertoire.  This working out your alter ego muscle can lead to increased success in your health, relationships and career.  

Stay tuned for more detailed discussing of you and your alter ego and all of its benefits.


Here’s to getting the love you want!

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Practice being the opposite of yourself

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